UKRSPECSYSTEMS is against corruption

Nowadays, corruption has become a truly significant negative phenomenon, which restrains entrepreneurial activity, discourages investment, and limits economic growth. It impacts the ability to protect and fulfill its human rights obligations. Moreover, corruption affects the capability to ensure a list of vital services, like a working judicial system, law enforcement, health, and education.

Request an anti-corruption program

UKRSPECSYSTEMS condemns corruption and business bribery in all their forms. Our team takes all possible measurements in order to prevent any manifestations of corruption. Being deeply concerned about this crucial issue, we have created a special anti-corruption program. If you want to take a look at it, please fill out the form below, and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

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Report a case of corruption in UKRSPECSYSTEMS

You can also report possible cases of corruption or bribery of our employees. Please, tell us about the problem in great detail via this email: moc.smetsyscepsrku%40noitpurrocitna