Border control

To preserve sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity it is vital to protect the borders of your country from different illegal activities. Considering the sizes of the borderline, unmanned aerial vehicles can come in handy during various surveillance missions. We designed our PD-2 UAS to be a perfect solution for border control.

How it works

UKRSPECSYSTEMS equipment can be used for surveillance of large areas, detecting, tracking, and recognizing illegal activities, unwanted infiltrations, and unauthorized trespassers (e.g., smugglers, terrorists, illegal immigrants, or hostile forces).


The PD-2 unmanned aerial systems are being used to patrol national borders in many different parts of the world. Their ability to provide surveillance for extended periods (up to 10 hours endurance) monitor remote and inaccessible zones, and relative ease of deployment makes them attractive tools for agencies responsible for border control.

Due to the capabilities of the PD-2 surveillance drone, it is possible to prevent unauthorized border-crossing attempts in hard-to-get territories. A high-quality electro-optical and infrared sensors of the USG-212 EO/IR camera system with a list of fascinating features like tracking of moving objects, digital video stabilization, picture-in-picture mode allows monitoring a borderline at any time of the day.
The UAV tracking antenna system ensures stable and reliable communication with the PD-2 long-range drone on significant distances up to 220 km making our UAS a perfect solution for border control. The biggest payload compartment within the class and 500 W generator allow being flexible in terms of different payloads integration. For example, using the IMSI catcher – a telephone eavesdropping device, capable of intercepting mobile phone traffic and tracking location data of mobile phone users, the PD-2 UAS can locate smugglers, trespassers, or enemy troops.

Contact us

Interested? Contact us, and our specialists will provide you with all the necessary information regarding the PD-2 UAS and its border control capabilities!