Cargo delivery

Fast and effective cargo delivery has become an integral part of modern life. An ability to quickly and safely receive a required cargo can be vital in various situations. That is a reason why we designed our PD-2 unmanned aerial vehicle capable of reliable cargo delivery.

How it works

Due to its versatility, the PD-2 UAV is capable of transporting different types of cargo, which can come in handy during various missions.


The PD-2 long-range drone can conduct a cargo delivery in a few different ways. UKRSPECSYSTEMS’ specialists designed a configuration of the UAV with removable modules. Due to this modification, our solution can drop cargo using fuselage and underwing containers. In vertical takeoff and landing configuration, the PD-2 UAV can vertically land for load/unload and further takeoff multiple times in any environment. Moreover, it can hover over the target and drop the cargo precisely. The PD-2 surveillance drone allows you to deliver different types of cargo with a weight of up to 8 kg. Just imagine a whole variety of possible applications! The PD-2 UAV is able to deliver supplies and ammunition to troops in the field, deliver medications, rescue kits, and many more.

Cargo modules – reliable and effective

Want to see what cargo modules look like? Check out our video!

Contact us

Want to try our solution on your own? Feel free to reach us and we will answer all your questions!