Wildfire management

Missions like wildfire management are of the most importance for the UKRSPECSYSTEMS. The opportunity of saving lives inspires us to continually improve our products. That is why our team designed the PD-UAS to be capable of effective fire assistance.

How it works

Due to the capabilities of the USG-212 EO/IR, our solution can assist firefighters in detecting current fire locations, providing reliable information, identifying hot spots in wildland fires, and determining where a fire will move next.


By using the synergy of the electro-optical & infrared sensors and Aerowatcher software the PD-2 UAS allows emergency services to work at any time of the day. UKRSPECSYSTEMS’ PD-2 drone is capable of delivering different types of cargo, like safe kits, which can come in handy in case of an emergency during a wildfire. As an example let's consider a case, when a person, who has received an injury during the fire needs a first aid kit. Fortunately for him or her, the PD-2 UAS can quickly and effectively solve this problem. It can drop a cargo (for example medicine) by a parachute. This is a great way to deliver it in situations where drone landing is impossible or too dangerous.

Contact us

Want to know more about the PD-2 and its fire prevention capabilities? Feel free to reach us, and we will gladly provide you with further information!