Gas, oil, and power lines inspections

Unmanned aerial systems bring the experience of gas, oil, and power lines inspections to a whole new level. Our PD-2 UAS equipped with an advanced USG-212 camera system allows to carry out effective and reliable infrastructure monitoring.

How it works

The PD-2 UAS can be used to ensure that pipelines are operating efficiently and safely, to provide information on leaks and spills, to perform an inspection to detect cracks and corrosion on pipes, buildings, tanks, and other infrastructure.


The PD-2 unmanned aerial system ensures fast, cheap, and effective gas and oil inspections. Our product minimizes the need for helicopters or other more expensive manned aerial vehicles usage.
Due to the capabilities of the high-quality electro-optical and infrared sensors of the USG-212 EO/IR camera system, it is possible to detect pipeline leaks at any time of the day. Our solution ensures an efficient, cost-effective, and safe inspection process.
With the use of different payloads, the PD-2 unmanned aerial systems can locate erosions or cracks, detect electrical malfunctions of power lines, assembly errors, and prevent outages from vegetation overgrowth as well.

Contact us

Want to try the PD-2 UAS on your own? Feel free to reach us and we share all the information you need!